Privacy Policy
If you use any of our professional services we will need to collect, record and use your personal data in order to provide the best possible service to you and fulfil any contractual or legal obligations.
We will always explain clearly what data we’re collecting about you and why. We will only collect data which is relevant and necessary.
Your trust is very important to us, so we are committed to keeping your data safe and secure.
This Privacy Notice tells you what to expect when Tony John & Co. collects personal information. It applies to information we collect about:
Sales (Vendors, purchasers, applicants)
What information will we ask for and what will we do with it?
- Applicants
Tony John & Co will either receive your information directly from you or via a third party website (property portals) when you request information via one of these sites.
We will ask for your name, contact details, property preferences and price range. We will also ask if you want to receive information about any other properties which may be of interest to you.
You can opt out of receiving marketing emails at any time, by clicking on a link within the email or by contacting a member of our sales team.
- Vendors and Purchasers
When you enter into a sales agreement we will ask you to provide to us the personal information described below, which we will need to provide you with the high-quality service you require, to ultimately facilitate the successful marketing and sale of a property.
1. Names and addresses
2. Contact telephone numbers
3. Email addresses
4. Personal identification information and documentation
5. Property preferences
6. Selling or buying position
7. Details of Solicitor / Financial Advisor
If you are selling a property, we will also ask Information about the property (non-personal data).
In all cases we will hold your personal information securely, either in hard copy on our property files on locked premises or digitally within our secure software, managed by an independent IT company.
Who will your information be shared with?
We will provide it to others only where it is required and as outlined below, or in accordance with your stipulated wishes.
Specifically, we will hold and use your information in the manner outlined under the headings below –
Identification Details - We may hold copies of your photographic identity documents and at least one document that confirms your home address. It assists us to ensure we are dealing with the owners of the property and we are not becoming involved in any money laundering situation.
Prospective Buyers – Whilst we may advise any prospective buyers whether or not the vendor is in a chain, no other personal information relating to the vendor will be disclosed at this stage. Basic information about your property will be provided to anyone who makes an enquiry to us about potentially viewing or purchasing your property. This information will include the property details we produced and any other relevant information you provide to us including the information in any property information questionnaire you complete for us.
Viewings - We will organise viewings on your behalf, to suit you and the viewer. Where we are conducting the viewing for you, it is important that you check your property prior to the viewing to ensure that any personal information you would not wish a viewer to see is removed.
Negotiating with Prospective Buyers and Handling Offers to Purchase the Property - We will negotiate with prospective buyers and take offers from them. This process will involve providing potential buyers or vendors with the position of the other party to facilitate a successful negotiation. We will only provide relevant and necessary personal information where the potential buyer or vendor is happy for us to do so. We will not give potential buyers any information which could prejudice the negotiation process. You should ensure that you treat any information we provide to you as confidential and it must not be passed on or shared with any other person or business.
Agreed Sale - Once a sale is agreed we will provide your personal contact information to the buyer and the solicitors acting for both parties. We may provide your contact information to various professionals that may be acting for the buyer, such as surveyors and contractors wanting access to the property to produce estimates, etc. We will discuss the sale of your property with any other necessary parties once a sale is agreed in order to facilitate exchange of contracts and completion of the sale.
We will not share your information with anyone else unless we have a legal obligation or the information is required for a criminal investigation.
We may also ask any vendors if they wish to remain on our mailing list so that we can advise them of any properties or services which may be of interest to them in the future. You can opt out of receiving marketing emails at any time, by clicking on a link within the email or by contacting a member of our sales team.
How long will we keep your information for?
We will retain the personal information we hold for 7 years, because the time limit for any party to initiate civil action against us should they believe they have a claim is 6 years. We
have decided to retain the information for an additional year, in the event that a late claim is allowed.
Lettings (Landlords and potential landlords)
What information will we ask for and what will we do with it?
When you enter into an agreement with us we will ask you to provide to us the personal information described below, which we will need to provide you with the high-quality service you require, to ultimately facilitate the successful rental and/or property management services.
1. Names and addresses
2. Contact telephone numbers
3. Email addresses
4. Personal identification information and documentation
5. Bank details
6. Mortgage information
7. Accountant details
8. Deposit Scheme Number
9. Information about the property
10. Rent Smart Wales Registration number or licence
In all cases we will hold your personal information securely, either in hard copy on our property files within locked premises or digitally within our secure software, managed by an independent IT company.
Who will your information be shared with?
We will provide it to others only where it is required and as outlined below, or in accordance with your stipulated wishes.
Specifically, we will hold and use your information in the following manner –
Identification Details – We may hold copies of your photographic identity documents and at least one document that confirms your home address. This is required to protect our position and look after your interests. It assists us to ensure we are dealing with the owners of the property and we are not becoming involved in any money laundering situation.
Prospective Tenants – No personal information relating to the landlord will be passed to any potential applicant. Basic information about your property will be provided to anyone who makes an enquiry about potentially viewing or letting your property. This information will include the property details we produced and any information you provide to us in a property information questionnaire.
Viewings – We will organise viewings on your behalf, to suit you, the viewer and any tenant who may be residing at the property. Where we are conducting the viewing for you, it is important that you (or any tenant) check the property prior to the viewing to ensure that any personal information you would not wish a viewer to see is removed. We do not pass any personal information relating to the landlord to anyone viewing a property.
Negotiating with prospective tenants – We may negotiate with prospective tenants. This process will involve providing potential tenants with relevant information to facilitate a successful negotiation, only where the landlord is happy for us to do so. No information will be passed which may prejudice the negotiation process.
Tenancy Applicants – We will deal with applicants to ensure we provide you with appropriate information to decide on the acceptability of the applicant. This will involve providing you with relevant and necessary personal information about the applicant. The applicants are fully informed about what information is provided to you. You must ensure that you treat any information we provide to you as confidential and it must not be passed on or shared with any other person or business or used for any purpose other than the tenancy. Additionally, you must delete it when it is no longer required.
Tenants – Once a tenancy is agreed we will provide the tenant with your personal contact information if you have entered into a let only contract as there is a legal requirement to do this. If you are entering into a managed let, we will provide only your name to the tenant.
Sub-Contractors – We may sub-contract out some of the services we provide to you under this agreement such as viewings, erection of TO LET boards, inventory checks and property inspections during tenancies. A list of the third party sub- contractors is available on request. We will only provide relevant and necessary personal information to these sub-contractors.
Contractors – We hold a list of preferred contractors who we may use to provide services to you at the property we are marketing and/or managing. We may obtain estimates / quotes for work from these contractors and we may instruct them to carry out work on your behalf. To do this we will provide the appropriate personal information they need to provide the required services. A full list of these contractors is available upon request. All our contractors are party to a Data Processing Agreement which ensures compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
If you wish to use your own contractor, we will undertake a questionnaire with them before we pass any personal information. This is in order to ensure that the tenant’s information is treated appropriately and lawfully. If we are not satisfied, no information will be passed and you will be made aware so that other arrangements can be made.
Utility suppliers – We will provide your details to the appropriate utility suppliers, as and when it is required in order to ensure correct billing from the suppliers. This is in the legitimate interest of both landlord and tenant.
Your details will be added to our landlord mailing list so that we can make you aware of any important legal information or any other requirement which is relevant to you.
We may also ask you if you want to be added to any other mailing list so that we can send you information regarding other relevant services or offers which may be of interest to you. You will be able to unsubscribe to these emails at any time by clicking on a link within the email or by contacting a member of the lettings team.
How long will we keep your information for?
We will retain the personal information we hold for up to 7 years, because the time limit for any party to initiate civil action against us should they believe they have a claim is 6 years. We have decided to retain the information for an additional year, in the event that a late claim is allowed.
Lettings (tenants and prospective tenants, including guarantors)
What information will we ask for and what will we do with it?
By entering into a tenancy agreement or a proposed tenancy agreement with our landlord we will ask you for the personal information described below, which we will need to provide you with the high-quality service you require, to ultimately ensure your residency runs smoothly.
1. Names and addresses
2. Date of birth
3. Contact telephone numbers
4. Email addresses
5. Personal identification information and documentation
6. Bank details
7. Occupation
8. Annual income
9. Details of any Bankruptcy, IVAs or CCJs
10. Details of a guarantor, next of kin and any other relevant people
11. Post tenancy contact details
In all cases we will hold your personal information securely, either in hard copy on our property files within locked premises, or digitally within our secure software, managed by an independent IT company.
Who will your information be shared with?
We will provide it to others only where it is required and as outlined below, or in accordance with your stipulated wishes.
Specifically, we will hold and use your information in the following manner -
Identification Details – We may hold copies of your photographic identity documents and at least one document that confirms your home address. This is required to protect our position and look after your interests.
Tenancy Application Forms – This information is required in order for the landlord to make an informed decision on the outcome of the application. We do not pass your contact details to the landlord. The landlord is advised that they must treat your information with confidence, store it securely and not use if for any other purpose other than the tenancy. They are reminded to delete it when it is no longer required.
Tenancy Agreements and other related documents – Once a tenancy is agreed we will provide a copy of the tenancy agreement and any other related documents to our client, the landlord. This is required for the purposes of the contract.
Sub-Contractors – We may use sub-contractors to carry out maintenance or repair work on the property, or conduct inventory checks and property inspections during tenancy. A list of the third party sub-contractors is available on request.
If you report an issue with the property, your name, address and contact details will be passed to an appropriate approved contractor. All our approved contractors have signed an agreement in relation to the lawful processing of your information. If the landlord wishes to use their own contractor with whom we do not have an agreement with, we will undertake a telephone questionnaire with the contractor before any personal information is passed, in order to ensure that they treat your personal information appropriately and lawfully.
One Utility Bill Ltd – We will provide your details to One Utility Bill Ltd. and the incumbent utility suppliers, as and when it is required to ensure correct billing from the suppliers. This is in the legitimate interests of both landlord and tenant.
Rent 4 Sure – We may share relevant information with Rent4Sure during the application process for referencing purposes.
Proof of Funds – If these documents are required, the prospective tenant or guarantor can either send them directly to Rent4Sure or alternatively we will pass this information to Rent4Sure on your behalf.
We may ask you if you would like us to add your details to any of our mailing lists so that we can send you information regarding other relevant services you may be interested in. You will be able to unsubscribe to these emails at any time by clicking on the link within the email, or contacting a member of our lettings team.
How long will we keep your information for?
If you enter into a contract with one of our landlords, we will retain the personal information we hold for up to 7 years, because the time limit for any party to initiate civil action against us should they believe they have a claim is 6 years. We have decided to retain the information for an additional year, in the event that a late claim is allowed.
If you apply for a tenancy and are unsuccessful, we will keep your information for a period of six months.
Valuations, Surveys and Professional Services
What information will we ask for and what will we do with it?
Tony John & Co offer valuations, surveys and professional services for all types of property. We will ask you or your representative for your name, address, telephone number and email address. Will we use this information for the sole purpose of contacting you in relation to the service you have requested.
In all cases we will hold your personal information securely, either in hard copy on our property files within locked premises or digitally within our secure software, managed by an independent IT company.
Who will your information be shared with?
We will not share your information with anyone other than your representative, unless we are
required to do so by law.
How long will we keep your information for?
We will keep your information for 15 years as provided by the Limitation Act 1980.
Job applicants and employees
What information will we ask for and what will we do with it?
All of the information you provide during the application process will only be used for the purpose of progressing your application, or to fulfil legal or regulatory requirements if necessary.
The information you provide will be held securely by us whether the information is in electronic or physical format.
We will use the contact details you provide to us to contact you to progress your application. We will use the other information you provide to assess your suitability for the role you have applied for.
We will ask you for your CV if you are interested in applying for a job vacancy. We do not collect more information than we need to fulfil our stated purposes and will not retain it for longer than is necessary.
Your CV will be used to assess your suitability for employment. We may also require additional information for the stated purpose. You don’t have to provide what we ask for but it might affect your application if you don’t.
If your application is successful, we will retain a copy of your CV and also ask for the following information:
1. Date of birth
2. National Insurance Number
3. Nationality
4. Ethnic origin
5. A copy of your identification
6. Details of any student loan
7. Bank details
8. Driving licence
9. Details of any motor convictions and insurance.
10. Sex
11. Marital status
12. Disabilities
13. Next of Kin
14. Referees
This information is required for the purposes of entering into a contract of employment with us or for any legal obligation imposed on us. We also ask you if you have any disabilities so that we can provide any reasonable adjustments and your next of kin details so that we know who to contact in an emergency.
How do we decide who to employ?
All CVs submitted are assessed by the partners. We do not use any form of automated decision making.
Who will my information be shared with?
We will not share any of the information you provide during the recruitment process with any third parties for marketing purposes or store any of your information outside of the European Economic Area.
We may contact the referees listed on your CV.
We share relevant information relating to our employees’ with HMRC in accordance with our legal obligations.
We also share relevant information relating to our employee’s with the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST). We do this in order to enrol you in a pension scheme.
We also share your name, National Insurance Number and salary details with our accountant, in order to complete statutory financial statements.
How long will my information be kept for?
Unsuccessful CVs will deleted promptly.
All employee information will be kept for a period of 7 years after the employment contract has ceased. This retention period is necessary for compliance with legal requirements.
Visitors to our website
Our website uses Cookies. You can read more about how we use Cookies in our Cookie Policy.
The website may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control over how your data is collected, stored, or used by other websites and we advise you to check the policies of any such websites before providing any data to them.
The rights you have in relation to your data
You have the following rights in relation to data held about you:
1. A right to be informed about our collection and use of personal information;
2. A right of access to the personal information we hold about you;
3. A right to rectification if any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete;
4. A right to ask us to delete any personal information held about you unless we are obliged to retain the information for other legal reasons;
5. A right to restrict or prevent the processing of your personal information;
6. A right to data portability (obtaining a copy of your data to re-use with another service or organisation);
7. A right to object to the use of your data for particular purposes.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at or by
telephone on 01639 888159. You may be asked to provide proof of identity.
Storage of your Data
Your data will only be stored in the UK. Our servers are based in the UK.
Changes to our Policies
We recommend that you check this page regularly to keep up-to-date, as we reserve the right to amend this Policy from time to time.
If you have any cause for complaint about our use of your personal data, please contact us at or by telephone on 01639 888159.
We will address your concerns and attempt to solve the problem to your satisfaction.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office –
For further information about your rights, please contact the Information Commissioner’s
Office, or your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
Identity of Data Controller
The Data Controller is Mr Mathew John, Partner.